Santosh Reddy and Krishna Mohan bootstrapped Amma engineering in the year 2016 to enhance the usage of in-home machinery design points for easy modifications for quick delivery of equipment and material. Automating machines to save time and revenue of construction companies, and their successful implementation scored to achieve the concept of high value in less time.

Krishna Mohan

--- Director

Managing partner of Amma Engineering and BE graduate, who emerged as a strategic business implementer with 16 years of experience in construction and machinery management specialized in converting manual work into automated to save from labour limitation and dependency.

Our purpose of quality for exceptional results drives us to give more and more in every new project.

Santosh Reddy

--- Director

Managing partner of Amma Engineering, a mechanical engineering graduate with experience of 14 years in the core and construction industry and executed more than ten irrigation projects for the process of canal pipelining and execution systems.

"We are happy to say our engineering Excellency is contributing to this world with entity of Amma engineering."